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The effects of external qi on matters and organisms have been detected and measured

During the past decades, a considerable number of accomplished scientists from leading universities and research institutes in China and the US, such as Tsinghua University, the University of California (UCSD, UCLA) and Harvard University, have applied modern scientific methods and protocols to investigate biological, chemical, and physical effects of Yan Xin Qigong in critical areas of life science, physical sciences and technology.

A large body of experimental data on Yan Xin Qigong phenomena and effects has been scientifically documented. A number of research papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at related academic conferences.

Dr. Qian Xuesen wrote affirmative comments after reviewing six submitted research papers on Yan Xin Qigong, "they are new scientific discoveries and the prelude to a scientific revolution" (link). Prof. Hans-Peter Duerr, colleague and successor of Werner Heisenberg as Director of Institute of Theoretical Physics in Germany, proclaimed the Yan Xin Qigong research results to be "within my window of acceptance." (Photo).

These data have established that external qi of Yan Xin Qigong: 

  • physically exists. 

  • can interact with and affect matter from molecular to atomic levels. 

  • can affect the fundamental components of living organisms (e.g., water, cell membrane, proteins, DNA and RNA).

  • can regulate multiple gene expressions.

  • can be applied in biotechnology, materials processing and chemical reactions.

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